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Paradigm Shift

3D > 5D



Second Tier 

Event Horizon


Zero Point Field

Unity Consciousenss

Phase Shift

Liminal Space

We're so "in it” that it's challenging to have an objective view of the incredible moment in evolution that we are transiting.


This film is a 77-minute story, which serves as a metanarrative of this emerging event.


It is a tapestry weaving together numerous threads: stages of development, alchemy, artificial intelligence, morphogenic fields, individuation + separation, shadow work, we-spaces, polycrisis, holonic evolution, eros and agape, Gaia and conscious earth, the lightbody, homogenesis, involution and evolution, surrender, transcendence and inclusion, coherence, flow states, the evolutionary impulse, transpersonal awareness, the chakras, trauma, and at least a dozen more things! 


The film's story is presented within the framework of Integral Theory. While I could have utilized any of the paradigm-shifting frameworks mentioned at the top of this page, I opted to incorporate elements of Ken Wilber's model due to its recognized brilliance and limitations.


A helpful way to understand the paradigm shift we are experiencing is through the concept of a holon. A holon is something that is both a whole in itself and a part of a larger whole. In other words, holons can be thought of as the constituent "part-wholes" of an entity or system. Reality can be seen as being composed of holons.


For example, as our universe evolved to greater levels of complexity, an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms came together for the first time to form water: the molecule necessary for the evolution of organic life. This emergent property of interacting holons shows that the new life forms they create are unpredicated by the past. A new holon creates a whole "greater than the sum of its parts," enabling it to birth a new reality.

Through meditation and other transpersonal capacities, humanity has created a field of intelligence that is the precursor to the emergence of the next holon, the next level of evolution. This level is here; we are its witness. We are called to a new kind of participation in its nascent arrival, actively co-creating a reality of collective and planetary intelligence.


This is the beta-test version of the film. It's my first attempt at making a film, and I'll be the first to admit it is a bit complex! I could have made films about any of the multiple thought streams in the narrative. The initial 90 seconds of the film are slow, but hang in there as the story gets up and running a minute and a half in.


If the film speaks to you, please share it and drop me a line HERE!

Unprecedented Leap

a Film about Planetary Emergence

This is the initial beta test version of the film.

It is dense with information!

It is being reconfigured into six shorter films as outlined below:

1. Human Origins + The Heart: The Centrality of Love

Explores humanity’s evolutionary journey, emphasizing the role of love and the heart’s intelligence. It sets the foundation for understanding our place in the cosmos.


2. Individuation: Differentiation Precedes Unity

Examines the process of personal and collective development, introducing stages of consciousness and the importance of differentiation.


3. Energetic Fields: Collective Fields Underly Reality

Delves into the non-physical structures underlying reality, including morphogenetic fields and the concept of alchemy. It also introduces the idea of collective fields of consciousness and their role in evolution.


4. Trauma: Shadow Work is Essential

Addresses the importance of inner work and integrating unconscious aspects of ourselves. It explores how individual and collective shadow work relates to planetary evolution and our ability to engage with higher forms of intelligence.


5. A New Paradigm: Holons Illuminate the Working of Interpenetrating Layers

Introduces the concept of holons and proposes a new understanding of humanity’s role in planetary and cosmic evolution.


6. Planetary Emergence: The Emergence of Planetary Consciousness Integrates Human and Non-Human Intelligence

Describes the emergence of a new level of planetary consciousness (Harmonia) and humanity’s role in this process. Explores the integration of human and non-human intelligence in cosmic evolution.



The Harmonia Protocol:

Navigating Human

+ Non-Human Intelligence

A new 6 part film series is now under development.

Part 2 of Unprecedented Leap

See the synopsis of the 6 short films!

If you like my film your contribution would help me spread the film, develop more content, and inspire others!

This is the initial beta test version of the film.

It is dense with information!

It is being reconfigured into six shorter films as outlined below:

1. Human Origins + The Heart: The Centrality of Love

Explores humanity’s evolutionary journey, emphasizing the role of love and the heart’s intelligence. It sets the foundation for understanding our place in the cosmos.


2. Individuation: Differentiation Precedes Unity

Examines the process of personal and collective development, introducing stages of consciousness and the importance of differentiation.


3. Energetic Fields: Collective Fields Underly Reality

Delves into the non-physical structures underlying reality, including morphogenetic fields and the concept of alchemy. It also introduces the idea of collective fields of consciousness and their role in evolution.


4. Trauma: Shadow Work is Essential

Addresses the importance of inner work and integrating unconscious aspects of ourselves. It explores how individual and collective shadow work relates to planetary evolution and our ability to engage with higher forms of intelligence.


5. A New Paradigm: Holons Illuminate the Working of Interpenetrating Layers

Introduces the concept of holons and proposes a new understanding of humanity’s role in planetary and cosmic evolution.


6. Planetary Emergence: The Emergence of Planetary Consciousness Integrates Human and Non-Human Intelligence

Describes the emergence of a new level of planetary consciousness (Harmonia) and humanity’s role in this process. Explores the integration of human and non-human intelligence in cosmic evolution.



The Harmonia Protocol:

Navigating Human

+ Non-Human Intelligence

A new 6 part film series is now under development.

Part 2 of Unprecedented Leap

See the synopsis of the 6 short films!

Make a Donation - Thank you!

Thank you for your contribution! It will help me spread the film, develop more content, and inspire others!


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